Amnesty programme refutes graft allegation

The ex-militants under the Presidential Amnesty programme were demanding immediate payment or they take over the road permanently.
Says Its Scholarship Programme Not Terminated

The Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), has expressed displeasure over a publication in an online platform, which described the programme as a cesspool of corruption.

The Interim Administrator of the PAP, Major General Barry Ndiomu (rtd), therefore called on publishers of the report to publish a retraction within seven days or be prepared for a legal battle.
Naomi also urged members of the public to discountenance the said report because it lacks merit and does not represent activities at the PAP.
He said since assumption of office, he has consistently advocated and ensured that all his staff adhered to due process and commitment to best practices in the discharge of their duties, and would not spare any staff who deviates from these.

Ndiomu condemned the report, which alleged that some staff members of the Finance and Audit departments of the PAP were involved in mind-boggling corrupt practices through what it called “advance payment” despite the various efforts to stamp out corruption in the system.
In a statement, PAP said: “We hereby state that the story entitled, ‘Presidential Amnesty Programme Still a Cesspool of mind boggling corruption’ is nothing but a figment of the author’s imagination. It also violates simple journalistic ethos of fairness.

From all indications, the misguided reporter is on a mission to dent the image of the programme.
“We are at a loss to understand what the writer means by Advance Payment (AP) and how it is being used to perpetrate fraud in the system, more so when the reporter failed to substantiate her bogus claims with verifiable evidence of corruption in the programme.
“The story is diversionary and totally at variance with the good traditions of journalism, and a deliberate attempt to rubbish the current puritanical disposition of the leadership of the programme as explained by the presidency.
Ndiomu also said PAP’s scholarship has not been terminated, but merely suspended and all delegates on formal education, both onshore and offshore remain bonafide beneficiaries and will continue to enjoy approved privileges attached to their various scholarship schemes.
According to Ndiomu, “The current suspension is as a result of PAP’s financial situation due to debts incurred by previous formal education scholarship awards and other commitments, adding that the suspension will be lifted as soon as these obligations are cleared.”
Contrary to insinuations in the report, PAP-sponsored formal education scholarship awards have not been discontinued, rather the award of fresh scholarships to potential beneficiaries has been suspended.”


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