Anti-graft group urges EFCC , DSS, IGP to probe alleged diversion of N66 billion Benue funds in 4 months

Benue State

Again, Concerned Citizens of Benue for Good Governance have called on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to beam its searchlights on top government functionaries in Benue state over alleged money laundering, and diversion of public funds to the tune of N66 billion.

The petition addressed to the EFCC, made available to the Guardian was copied to the Director General, Department of State Services (DSS), Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the Senate Committee on Anti-Corruption and Financial Crimes.

The group comprising lawyers, journalists, rights activists alleged that the monies were diverted within the last four months under the guise of fixing refurbished vehicles, among other phantom projects.

The petitioners claimed that the awards of the contracts were in clear breach of the States’ Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability (SFTAS) law otherwise known as Due Process Law is in existence in Benue State.

They questioned the award of 16 roads contracts for the initial N6 billion in the absence of a cabinet in place.

The group further stated that records it had reliably obtained showed that the contracts were over valued and used as conduit pipes to siphon the state fund, stressing that the projects were not covered in the budget of the state and no approval was given by the state House of Assembly.

The group also asked EFCC to investigate the procurement of buses purchased as palliative measures.

The petition signed by Mr Gideon Gbaor and three others, claimed: “What is happening with Benue state’s resources under the watch of Governor Alia is worse than a locust. Governor Alia has spent a whopping amount of N46 Billion in just four months in office awarding fictitious contracts, none of which is ongoing. Contracts are awarded to cronies without due process.

“In August, the Governor announced that his government had awarded contracts for the construction of 16 township roads in Makurdi at the cost of N6 billion. The road projects were yet to start anywhere in the state capital, when suddenly, Governor Alia announced that the State Executive Council had given him approval to increase the contract amount for the 16 road projects from N6 billion to N 9 billion. The award of these contracts did not follow due process but only done as directed by Governor Alia”, the petition said.

“On the 5th of September, 2023, Governor Alia released N1,273,875,000.00 (N1.2 billion) for the procurement of 100 refurbished 2017/2016 Hummer buses for palliative measures and 50 fairly used Hilux 2018/2019 model vehicles for other purposes. The company known as Lajec Engineering Services Ltd owned by some cronies of the Governor were given the contract to procure the vehicles.

“Governor Alia again on the 27th of September, 2023, released additional N736,375,000.00, for an unspecified number of fairly used Hummer buses for palliative measures and fairly used Toyota Hilux (2018/2019 model) for other purposes with the (contract no. BSPPC-43/2023). The job was also awarded to Lajec Engineering Limited.

“Again on the 28th September, 2023, the Alia government again released N 2,236,000,000.00 (N2.2 billion) to Lajec Engineering Services Ltd for the procurement of the same refurbished Hummer buses and some fairly used Toyota Hilux (2018/2019) model vehicles”, the group stated.


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