Ayade slams waste collection contractors, wants more hands‎


CROSS River State governor, Senator Ben Ayade, on Saturday slammed the two contractors handling evacuation of refuse in Calabar South Local Council after the expiration of the three-day ultimatum he earlier gave to them to either perform or be sacked.

Fielding questions from newsmen at one of the numerous uncleared refuse dumps along Afokang Street, Ayade ordered that the contract for the evacuation of waste be split into smaller units, saying the decision was prompted by the contractors’ incompetence and lack of capacity to perform efficiently.

According to him: “The two contractors handling the evacuation of refuse in this area are unable to deliver. They do not have the capacity to perform and it is clear that the work is beyond their scope and the only alternative is to split it into smaller units so that they will meet the scope it takes to keep the town clean.”

Describing the attitude of the affected contractors as unacceptable, Ayade said: “For two contractors to handle this huge work with 18 trucks is not acceptable and all this must be brought to an end today.”

He, therefore, called on the Chairman of Calabar South Local Council, Mrs. Marjorie Asuquo, who accompanied him during the inspection, to find young businessmen from the area to handle the work, adding: “I cannot understand why the city is full of dirt while the governor’s route is always cleared. This cannot continue. ”

The governor promised to constantly carry out a routine check on the evacuation of refuse within the metropolis.

Interacting with residents of the streets he visited, the governor urged them to report to the chairman of council any lapses in the evacuation of refuse by contractors because the health hazard from uncleared bins is high.

“This eyesore has an offensive odour and, apart from that, it can affect the growth of your children as well as their academic performance in school and I plead that you do not dump your waste in the drains but in the refuse dumps.”

Ayade hinted that modalities have been concluded for each household to own its bin and that instead of taking waste to designated dumps, collectors would go to homes and empty them thereby ensuring a clean, beautiful and green environment which the city is reputed for.

Streets inspected included Mayne Avenue, Ekpo Abasi, Yellow Duke, Inyang, Afokang, Jebs and New Airport, just as residents expressed their appreciation, saying, “We are grateful for what you have done. This is a good beginning of good things to come and the real change has come.”



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