Badiru urges Corps members to dream big

The NYSC Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Programme for the 2024 Batch B Stream One Orientation Course kicked off at the NYSC Orientation Camp, Sagamu with an electrifying keynote address by Engr. Sean Olabode Badiru, Co-Founder of Africa Tech Hub. His speech left an indelible mark on the attendees, igniting a spark of motivation and self-belief.

“As you step out into the world, it’s easy to feel a little lost in the mix. The world throws all these comparisons at you – career paths, achievements, social media feeds overflowing with curated perfection. But that’s not your race to run. You are not here to replicate someone else’s journey. You are a new chapter, a fresh narrative.” Badiru declared, emphasizing the importance of self-worth and personal validation.

He urged the Corps members to dream big and take ownership of their journeys. He said “What’s next? The answer to this question lies not in a pre-determined script, but in the audacity of your dreams. We’ve all been trained to think critically and to analyze – those are valuable skills. But today, I want to challenge you to unleash a different kind of power – the power of audacious dreams. Greatness wasn’t built on settling for the ‘realistic.’ It was built on the relentless pursuit of what seemed impossible. Forget the “realistic” for a moment. Go after what truly sets your soul on fire. Have a vivid picture of who you want to become. The you you see is the you you become.”

Badiru highlighted the transformative power of writing down one’s dreams, stating, “There’s so much power in physically writing down your dreams. It’s more than just making a list – it’s a declaration. That your scribbled vision on paper becomes a roadmap, a beacon guiding you through uncharted territory.” He said, “Dreams that stay in your head are just dreams. But write them down, and they become goals, setting the stage for the needed actions and your ultimate success. You can then track your progress, celebrate milestones, and, most importantly, remind yourself why you started the journey in the first place.”

“Forget the fleeting trends,” he advised, urging the corps members to pursue genuine mastery in fields they are passionate about. He highlighted the wealth of learning resources available online, sharing that he himself built a significant portion of his skillset through platforms like Google, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and YouTube.

He further said “How high do you want to soar? Greatness is not achieved by wishing on a shooting star. It’s built on two solid pillars: diligence and consistency. There will be waves of doubt, and discouragement will try to rent an apartment in your head. When those voices whisper that you’re not good enough, grab your blueprints – your goals, your aspirations – review them, and remind yourself why you started this climb, and get back to work, brick by brick, day by day.”

Networking was another key theme in his address. He said, “Every encounter is a potential bridge, every conversation a stepping stone.” He touched on the power of professional associations and social media, advising the members to curate their online presence intentionally. “The social media is your stage. The audience is vast, and the performance – permanent. Every post you make is painting your professional portrait. So, curate your content with intention. Use social media to inspire, to engage, to build a brand you will be proud to stand behind,” he said, encouraging them to use platforms like LinkedIn to showcase their skills and connect with future collaborators.

“The road ahead will have its twists and turns, but remember the incredible resilience you’ve already shown. You’ve conquered late-night study sessions, navigated complex concepts, and emerged stronger on the other side. Use that same grit and determination to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.” Badiru declared, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, and never underestimating the power of perseverance in achieving long-term success.

He further encouraged the Corps members to savour the present and cherish their shared experiences. “Don’t let the pursuit of that next milestone eclipse the beauty of the present. Savour every shared experience you have with those you come across every day, because these moments will fuel your resilience and remind you of the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ you do. So, embrace the journey – all of it.”

Badiru also touched on the importance of integrity, reminding the Corps members that their values are non-negotiable. “Integrity is not a button you toggle on and off depending on the situation. There will be moments, and opportunities that might seem tempting, but if they come at the cost of your principles, walk away.”

The importance of physical activity and spiritual grounding was not left out, while also emphasizing the need for a deep, personal relationship with God. “Trust me, this fellowship will become your fuel, your unwavering source of strength, wisdom, and love,” he concluded.

Following Badiru’s address, Mrs. Oluranti Joseph, Head of SAED, expressed her gratitude for the inspirational and eye-opening session.

The event also saw the formal appointment of three Corps members as Corps Camp Directors for the 2024 Batch B Stream One Orientation Course by the NYSC Ogun State Coordinator, Mrs. Olayinka Diana Nasamu. The newly appointed Corps Camp Directors – Promise Chinonso Anozie, Afolumo Boluwaji Ifedayo, and Okhueleigbe Victor – will serve as liaison officers between the Corps Members and the NYSC Ogun State Management to ensure the smooth operation of the Orientation Programme.

Mrs. Nasamu also inaugurated a Sanitation Squad comprising 20 Corps Volunteers. This squad is tasked with maintaining a clean and healthy environment within the camp.

The official flag-off of the SAED Programme was a resounding success, setting a powerful tone for the rest of the programme and leaving the Corps members inspired and ready to embark on their professional journeys.


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