Clerics, Ndoma-Egba urge Christians to join politics

Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba
Clerics and former Senate Leader, Victor Ndoma-Egba, have called for Christians’ participation in politics during the 2023 general elections.

They wondered why Christians, all in the name of holiness, sold their birthright by staying away from politics.

They made the call during a Colloquium at Transcorp Hotel in Calabar in commemoration of the 71st birthday of Archbishop Tunde Adeleye of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).

The keynote speaker, Archbishop, Ecclesiastical Province of Niger Delta, Most Rev. Blessing Enyindah, delivered the lecture with the theme: “Leadership Challenge and National Rebirth: Solution from the Christian Perspective” observed that heightened by mediocrity and ignorance, Christians in Nigeria have sold their birthrights in the name of holiness.

He said: “An adage among the Christian folks with this mindset is that that politics should not be mentioned among those who are to be raptured with Jesus Christ; that is one of the reasons we have sold our birthright.”

It is hypocrisy to pray for credible leaders to be voted into power while we sit in our churches on election day with self-denial of right of franchise.”

Speaking as the discussant of the lecture, Ndoma-Egba said religion and ethnicity had kept the nation far behind in development, adding that Nigeria has a fundĂ mental problem of integration.

Earlier in his opening speech, the convener, the Bishop of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Anglican Communion, Diocese of Calabar, Rt. Rev. Nneoyi Egbe, described the celebrant as a spiritual father who had made a lasting impact on the community where God had placed him.


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