Hijab and suicide bombers

Suicide bomberSIR: Female suicide bombers are becoming a common sight in Nigeria nowadays especially in the North East where Boko Haram has continued its terrorist campaign with intense ferocity.

I wish to draw attention of our security agencies to this growing phenomenon, particularly the role of hijab as cover for the perpetrators of this heinous crime. Women bombers hide their deadly weapons, usually locally improvised explosive devices in their voluminous robe.
Authorities may not impose outright ban on the hijab, but Muslim faithful should be restricted to wear hijab cover from head downwards to the shoulders while the rest of the body is dressed normally without any attempt at ballooning.

While we respect people’s rights to submit to the tenets of their religion, Nigeria cannot turn a blind eye to the continued use of the robe by evil doers to conceal their weapons of mass destruction.
A stitch in time saves nine.

• Tola Adeniyi, Ago-Iwoye.



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