Keshi has not rejected NFF’s offer, says agent

Coach Stephen Keshi’s agent, Emmanuel Addo, has rubbished a report that his client has rejected the contract offered him by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), reports

  “It’s not true. I didn’t grant any interview to anyone or any wire agency on the contract,” a very furious Addo declared.

  “This is sickening, very sad and upsetting my stomach.”

  Keshi has been far from happy with the contract he described as a “slave contract,” but a final decision on whether to accept it or not has not yet been taken.

  Addo further clarified: “This is a contract and you need to go through it thoroughly.

 “The NFF expects us to revert to them on the contract and we have handed it to our lawyers to look at it. And a report from them would be sent to us before we respond to the NFF and I think that is the way to go.

  “Anyone that has spoken privately to me knows my position on the contract, but you know everybody tailors a contract to suit them, so I think that is what the NFF did and it’s up to us to now look at it, make our points known and if it does not work, we shake hands and part ways.” 

