My life as investment, trade expert — Douglas Fordjour

Investment and trade expert, Douglas Fordjour narrated his journey, steady rise in the business, and how he dared to take significant risks in order to be successful.

The finanacial expert who stated that a transformed mind can overcome any limitation, said that is why he has succeeded in areas where others don’t want to go.

“For me, for there to be any transformation or change, it has to begin from the mind, the inside.

“Everything I am today, from when I started to this point, I have always visualised in mind. Visualisation and the mind are very powerful tools to achieve anything, as you can be whatever you think,” he said.

The Lumiere Group International chairman also added that what continues to stand him out among his colleagues in the trade and finance sectors is his ability to steer and influence business in the right way.

He said: “This has always been working for me over the years, demonstrating ability to steer and influence any business in the right way. Once i set my mind on a particular business everything becomes achievable.”

Over the years, Fordjour has successfully executed projects across diverse industries, including infrastructure, telecommunication, transportation and logistics, energy, oil and gas, mining and construction.

The business expert also said, “I am also passionate about adapting and localising best practices from other regions to improve the economic prospects of Africa.

“It is my belief that what works in my parts of the world, can also work for us in Africa to an extent with little tweaks such as localising these practices.”

Few people in the same caliber of diligent financial expert as Douglas Fordjour would dare to take enormous risks like he does.

“Like i said, a transformed mind can overcome any obstacle, which is why i has been successful in fields that most people avoid. It is indeed a special skill I have developed over the years and it has helped me become successful in different sectors,” he said.

The award-winning trade expert said he sensed an itch in other crucial industries that needed scratching as the African economic market keeps expanding and more indigenous enterprises emerge with the potential to dominate the market.

The billionaire is about to start a new chapter, specifically in the oil and gas, mining, and construction industries, and those in the know said he plans to start by coaching aspiring and experienced businesspeople in Africa and beyond. Liquidity is obviously crucial to the rapidly expanding entrepreneurship sector, and Fordjour has plenty of it.

For nearly three decades in various finance areas, Fordjour who is rated as one of Africa’s prominent financial and trade is reshaping and developing African trade industry with customer-centric and innovative investment and finance solutions that with impact across various industries.

In order to create and offer investment opportunities with great growth potential and low risk, the financial expert uses interdisciplinary methods for stakeholder selection, risk management, credit improvement, and financial engineering.

Through Lumière Group International, a company dedicated to generating value and impact for its customers, partners, and stakeholders, he has made contributions to the continent through his research that inspire a positive future for our continent.

Fordjour is often referred to as a role model and a mentor to many aspiring and established entrepreneurs in Africa and beyond.
