She is Priceless

We recognize that She is Priceless because she makes business better and communities stronger.

In today’s dynamic world, the quest for inclusivity remains paramount, especially in corporate landscapes traditionally perceived as male dominated Recognizing this, Mastercard has embarked on a transformative journey with its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy with a special focus on Gender Balance.

Folasade Femi-Lawal

Folasade Femi-Lawal

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?
“She is Priceless” carries a powerful and affirming message of the worth of a woman.
This phrase celebrates not just collective strength but also individuality, underscoring the significance of every woman’s journey.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”?

Women in leadership roles often bring invaluable and unique qualities such as empathy, collaboration, resilience, and inclusivity. These attributes are vital in advancing the theme
“Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress” by fostering more diversity and innovation, promoting gender equality, and addressing previously overlooked issues.

Beyond their professional impact, women leaders serve as role models for other women and girls, inspiring them to pursue leadership positions and contribute to societal progress.
Strategically investing in women unlocks a wealth of diverse perspectives and qualities, catalyzing transformative change and expediting progress across multiple sectors. This aligns with the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the adage, “Empower a woman, Empower a Nation.” Recognizing and harnessing the distinct strengths and insights that women bring to the table not only drives individual success but also propels broader societal advancement.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

My work-life approach relies on a robust support system, including my spouse, friends, mentors, and executive sponsors. By adhering to the 20:80 rule, prioritizing activities, practicing self-care, and embracing delegation and collaboration, I maintain a harmonious balance. Additionally, knowing when to strategically decline opportunities is important to safeguarding personal boundaries and contributing to the longevity of this work-life balance.

Looking ahead, how can corporations strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

Corporations should strategically invest in women to expedite progress and advance gender equality in West Africa through targeted initiatives. This includes implementing mentorship programs, providing skill-building opportunities, and establishing inclusive policies to address specific challenges faced by women in the region. These strategic investments become particularly crucial in navigating challenging cultural norms and recognizing and valuing women’s contributions in the industry.

One exemplary leader is Mastercard, which has demonstrated a commitment to advancing gender equality in West Africa. Through various initiatives, Mastercard has implemented effective mentorship programs, provided skill building opportunities, and established inclusive policies.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?
Embrace self-worth, seek mentorship, view failure as a stepping stone, advocate for yourself, build a strong support network, pave the way for others, stay resilient and be authentically you.
Prioritize, maintain work-life balance, stay informed, and radiate kindness, knowing that the energy you give comes back to you.

Kari Tukur

Kari Tukur

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?

She is Priceless’ conveys a profound sentiment, emphasizing that women are not only valuable, but also possess qualities and characteristics that are unique and invaluable. It is a recognition
of the depth and richness that women bring.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”?

Investing in women not only cultivates a richer talent pool, but also fosters diversity, ensuring equitable advancement and ultimately driving transformative growth within the industry. From
my experience, women bring unique qualities and perspectives to leadership roles, and their innate abilities to foster collaboration, empathy, and strategic thinking, contribute significantly
to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.” I believe an inclusive leadership composition with an even gender mix creates a workplace culture where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to be their authentic selves, thereby propelling progress and innovation through diverse perspectives.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

Achieving work-life balance is an ongoing process that involves self-awareness, prioritization, and effective time management. I make sure to set boundaries, such as refraining from checking
work emails or taking calls during personal time.

I focus on high-priority tasks, delegating or postponing less urgent ones. Learning to say no and setting realistic expectations is crucial.

I also maintain a weekly routine with dedicated time for work, personal activities, and relaxation, reserving weekends and holidays strictly for family and self-care. Recognizing that life
circumstances and workloads can change, I am flexible in adapting my strategies. When away from work, I make a conscious effort to fully disconnect from work-related concerns. This helps me recharge and be present in my personal life.

Looking ahead, how can corporates strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

Fostering an inclusive environment for women leaders is a key factor in organizational success.

By establishing mentorship initiatives, offering skill-enhancing opportunities, and championing inclusive programmes, companies can nurture talents, address unconscious bias, and promote
cultural competence.

Enforcing equal opportunity policies is fundamental to ensuring fair treatment and equitable pay for everyone. Additionally, adopting flexible work arrangements and family-friendly
policies, including parental leave and childcare facilities, demonstrates a commitment to accommodating diverse employee needs and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?

Believe in your abilities and the unique perspectives you bring. Cultivate a love for learning and build a network of mentors for guidance. Advocate for yourself and express your goals and achievements confidently. When it comes to negotiations, approach with confidence and a clear understanding of your value.

Sola Okeowo

Sola Okeowo

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?

“She is Priceless” embodies the invaluable impact that women bring to every facet of life. It celebrates the indispensable contributions women make as they personal and professional roles with resilience and versatility. From transforming her immediate environment to shaping broader communities and building multi-billion dollar businesses, a woman’s resourcefulness, tenacity, passion and compassion, is what makes her truly priceless.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”?

I have been fortunate to learn from incredible women, such as my mum, bosses, mentors, and amazing clients. Across the board, a common thread emerges – women consistently exhibit qualities that contribute to a holistic approach to leadership.

From assertiveness and emotional intelligence to empathy and flexibility, these attributes combine to enrich the professional landscape. They foster a more well-rounded and forward-thinking business environment, which yields increased profitability.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

I must admit that I had to learn this the hard way, but I discovered four things that have proven instrumental in maintaining balance and thriving in my professional journey.

Firstly, having a strong support system has been paramount. Recognizing that no one can navigate the complexities of a career alone, I have leaned on
the pillars of family, friends, and mentors.

Secondly, I’ve found therapeutic relief in nurturing hobbies, especially gardening and spending time in nature. Thirdly, I allocate time for solitude and reflection to recharge my energy.

These quiet moments of introspection allow me to hear my own thoughts, feel my feelings and recharge my energy.

Finally, practicing self-compassion has become an integral part of maintaining balance. Celebrating small wins and consciously rewarding myself for achievements, no matter how minor, serves as a way of acknowledging personal growth.

Looking ahead, how can corporates strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

Corporations seeking to foster gender equality in the workplace can provide mentorship, coaching, and skill-building opportunities for women. This equips them with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of leadership within the workforce.

Furthermore, it is important to increase the visibility of female talent across the organization; providing role models at all levels to demonstrate diversity in female leadership. Lastly, offering scholarships serves as a means to address the gender gap in education, ensuring equal access to learning opportunities for girls in West Africa.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?

Find your passion and pursue it wholeheartedly.
Leadership is most fulfilling when you’re doing something you love. Trust yourself and the process, don’t be afraid to take opportunities to share your unique gifts with the world. Keep great company and be great company, surround yourself with people who uplift and empower you, just as you strive to do the same.

Adetorera Banjo

Adetorera Banjo

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?

“She is Priceless” encapsulates the indomitable spirit and remarkable contributions of women in the face of biases and societal conditioning. It serves as a powerful affirmation of the resilience and unwavering strength that women bring to every aspect of life and work. It celebrates the countless achievements, triumphs, and contributions that women make daily, often overcoming challenges and breaking barriers.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”?

Women leaders bring exceptional talents, fresh perspectives, and unique ideas to the table. These factors drive better decision-making and corporate success. Their innovative approaches transcend conventional norms, introducing strategies that not only solve challenges but also cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.

Additionally, their inclusive and collaborative approach fosters teamwork and empowers diverse voices, leading to accelerated progress and greater gender equality. This inclusive approach not only results in more robust and comprehensive decision-making but also creates an environment where individuals feel valued and inspired to contribute their best.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

Prioritizing self-care is important for maintaining balance and thriving both personally and professionally. I am very intentional about nurturing my mind, body, soul and spirit through various activities. This includes practicing self-compassion by treating myself with kindness and celebrating my wins, no matter how small. I also engage in activities that brings joy and relaxation, such as my spa days and morning workouts.

Additionally, I prioritize sleep and cultivate a supportive network of like-minded individuals to navigate the challenges of leadership.

Looking ahead, how can corporations strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

In West Africa, where gender disparities persist, investing in women takes on added significance due to the unique challenges faced by women in the region. Cultural norms, biases, and socio-
economic factors often act as obstacles to women’s progress. As such, investing in women goes beyond diversity and inclusion in the workplace and in leadership positions, it also includes providing equal opportunities and creating enabling environments for women to thrive.

The commitment to creating enabling environments for women in West Africa should involve not only dismantling systemic barriers within corporate structures but also engaging with the broader
societal context. Corporate initiatives must extend beyond boardrooms to actively support educational programs for girls, challenge harmful cultural norms, and advocate for policies that promote inclusivity and gender equality.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?

Dare to dream big dreams and create your own success stories! Every great achievement begins with a vision and it is important to seize the day, embrace potential and make a lasting impact on the world.

Nneka Umeh

Nneka Umeh

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?

To me, “She is Priceless” represents the invaluable worth of a woman’s experiences, perspectives, and approaches, enriching everything she engages with.

It underscores the profound impact that women have on shaping our world and driving positive change.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate
Progress Women in leadership roles consistently embody an ownership culture, strategic risk-taking, a strong focus on business continuity, and exceptional collaboration skills. These attributes not only enhance agility, but also infuse a sense of purpose into their roles. The passion and dedication that women demonstrate extend beyond individual growth, fostering investments in women and contributing to progress, ultimately aligning with the theme.

By embracing diversity and inclusion, organizations can harness the full potential of women leaders to drive innovation and sustainable growth.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

Despite being selfless, I’ve come to recognize the importance of prioritizing my wellbeing to better support those around me. This involves carving out time for myself, indulging in rejuvenating spa treatments, and fostering meaningful connections by spending quality time with like-minded women.

Making self-care a priority enables me to recharge and show up as my best self in both my personal and professional life.

Looking ahead, how can corporations strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

I believe focusing on capacity building for growth is crucial, and this includes a strategic and intentional effort to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of women at all
levels – empowering them to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Additionally, facilitating connections among women and providing both soft and financial resources can create opportunities for collaboration and learning. Implementing unbiased gender approaches ensures not only diversity, but contributes to business continuity.

Corporations can support initiatives that address specific challenges faced by women in West Africa, such as access to education and healthcare, to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?

Believe in your capabilities, embrace your strengths, and persist with determination. Your potential knows no bounds, and your contributions are invaluable, regardless of the challenges you face.

Ina Arome

Ina Arome

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?

Personally, it means that I am strong, unique, and valuable to myself, my family, and society. From a professional standpoint, “She is Priceless” is a testament to Mastercard’s winning culture, where women play an integral part in the workplace and the company’s support for women entrepreneurs in society.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”?

Women leaders often pay attention to the finer details. This enables thorough analysis and informed decision-making which leads to effective and well-rounded solutions. Women leaders are adept at integrating diverse perspectives and different skill sets, creating a fertile ground for dynamic, creative thinking and problem-solving, and contributing to long-term success in the process. This diversity not only drives financial performance, but also acts as a catalyst for innovation. Furthermore, the impact of women leaders extends beyond immediate success, as they play a pivotal role in empowering the next generation of leaders. Through mentorship and by setting exemplary standards, women leaders inspire and pave the way for aspiring professionals,
fostering a culture of growth and empowerment.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

Maintaining a consistent sleep routine and dedicating time to be with loved ones are two essential practices that contribute significantly to my overall well-being and life satisfaction.
Quality time spent with loved ones is a source of joy, comfort, and resilience, especially during busy periods, while consistent sleep enhances my mood and overall physical wellbeing.

Looking ahead, how can corporations strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

In West Africa, a significant gender disparity exists, with women facing under-representation and underpayment in the workplace. Additionally, there are barriers to education such as child marriage and early motherhood. To address impactful gender equality, corporations must take a dual approach – focusing on the workplace and broader societal factors.

From a workplace perspective, corporations should prioritize pay equity, considering the prevalent wage gap and the tendency for women to take career breaks if they have children. Initiatives
should be implemented for women to ensure preparedness for senior leadership positions and to support their acceleration in the workplace following a career break.

From a societal perspective, corporations can contribute by designing mentorship and networking programs for women at all levels, sponsoring scholarships and educational programs for girls to break down barriers to girls’ education, and investing in community awareness campaigns to combat child marriage and early motherhood.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?

Do not be afraid of your aspirations, take a bold step and be resilient along the way. Lead with confidence and inspire generations to come, knowing that your contributions are invaluable to
shaping a brighter future for all.

Lara Randle

Lara Randle

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?

“She is Priceless” acknowledges the inherent value and worth of a woman. It’s about recognizing her unique talents, rights, and aspirations, and ensuring she has a voice and presence in every
space she occupies.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women:Accelerate Progress”?

Women leaders play a crucial role in championing women’s economic empowerment and dismantling restrictive gender stereotypes. They challenge social norms, particularly addressing issues such as the uneven distribution of unpaid care and conservative views on women in the workplace.

Beyond breaking barriers, women leaders inspire other women. Operating as front-line leaders, they weave an uplifting narrative that encourages and motivates other younger female talents to enter the workforce and aspire to reach executive positions. Their presence fosters a sense of inclusivity, contributing to greater retention and productivity. Additionally, this inclusive approach enhances the organization’s reputation, making it more appealing to both customers and prospective employees.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

My community provides me with strength, so I prioritize spending weekends with loved ones and engaging in rejuvenating activities. My vacations are priceless, and I spend them doing a combination of high-energy and low-energy activities for a balanced time off. Whether I am exploring misty landscapes in Ireland, ziplining in Thailand, or basking in the scenic views provided
by Mount Agou, I ensure my time off is both invigorating and restful.

Looking ahead, how can corporates strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

Specifically speaking about the technology industry, corporations can invest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education initiatives aimed at girls and young women, including scholarships, coding camps, and mentorship programs, to encourage greater participation and representation of women in STEM fields. These initiatives not only equip women with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated industries but also help break down gender stereotypes and barriers that hinder their advancement.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?

Excellence is a journey, not a destination. Embrace diligence and put in your best. Be your own advocate and cheerleader. Rise above your mistakes and learn from them. Surround yourself
with supportive allies. Your dreams are valid, so aim high, adapt to your environment, and strive for excellence and visibility in pursuit of your goals.

Furthermore, corporations can establish partnerships with local communities and educational institutions to provide internships, apprenticeships, and job placement opportunities for women.

Temitope Fafiyebi

Temitope Fafiyebi

What does “She is Priceless” mean to you?

“She is Priceless” to me means that my worth is intrinsic and not subject to external validation.

It’s a reminder that my value comes from within, regardless of societal expectations or standards.

In your experience, what unique qualities and perspectives do women bring to leadership roles, and how do these attributes contribute to advancing the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”?

Women often offer a different perspective to problem-solving which enriches decision-making processes. Having women in leadership helps avoid groupthink and bring fresh ideas to the table, fostering innovation. This diversity in thought not only enhances the comprehensiveness of solutions but also acts as a catalyst for creativity and innovation, aligning seamlessly with the overarching theme of investing in women to accelerate progress.

Investing in women is not just about promoting gender equality; it’s a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to remain adaptable and resilient in an ever-evolving landscape.

How do you prioritize self-care and personal wellbeing amidst the demands of your leadership role?

I prioritize self-care by focusing on what I can control and setting boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance. By avoiding excessive worry over things beyond my control and
establishing clear boundaries, I mitigate the risk of burnout and ensure my overall wellbeing.

Engaging in activities that nourish my mind, body, and soul, such as meditation, exercise, and spending time with loved ones, helps me recharge and stay resilient Looking ahead, how can corporations strategically invest in women to accelerate progress and foster gender equality, particularly in West Africa?

In West Africa, women often find themselves in lower-paying jobs or industries, face challenges in accessing leadership positions. Corporations can strategically invest in women by addressing
pay inequality and providing equal opportunities for advancement. By fostering equal leadership opportunities, corporations not only contribute to gender equality, but also position themselves as champions of diversity and progress.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, what message would you like to convey to young women aspiring to leadership roles?

Be authentic and genuine. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be yourself and let your unique qualities shine through. Be confident in your abilities. Don’t let anyone tell you that you
can’t do something because you’re a woman.

Believe in yourself and your potential, and don’t be afraid to take on challenges.

Additionally, implementing mentorship programs, providing access to leadership training, and creating supportive work environments can empower women to thrive professionally and contribute meaningfully to their organizations and communities.


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