police - Page 3

Terrorists kill seven in Katsina

No fewer than seven persons have been killed and dozens of others injured following an attack by suspected terrorists at Mai Dabino community in Danmusa Local Government Area (LGA) of Katsina State.
2 weeks ago
Rivers State governor

Group urges neutrality from police in Rivers crisis

A coalition of local human rights groups in Nigeria, the Human Rights Advocacy Crusaders (HRAC) have called on security agents in Rivers State to maintain neutrality and impartiality in the ongoing local
2 weeks ago

Unknown gunmen kill Okada man in Ekiti

A middle-aged man, identified as Samuel Omoyajowo, was allegedly shot dead by unknown gunmen around Okesa Roundabout near the Ekiti State Governor’s office in Ado Ekiti. The man, who was one of
3 weeks ago
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